

2.06: 唯者知為一 see 

4.01: 未;. .,未人心

4.04: 時其飢飽,其怒心。

5.04: 死生存亡,窮貧富 [Opposites: 窮≠, so "success"? "comprehension"?)

11.03: 我聞吾子於至道

14.03: 聖也者,於情而遂於也。

15.03:  directions? 神四並流

17.7: 知道者必於理者必明於權

17.10: 吾自以為至

18.05: 是之謂條而福持。

19.01: 生之者,不務生之所無以為;之情者,不務知之所無奈何。

20.07: 始用四 directions

22.02: 而

22.05: 思慮恂

23.03: 趎勉聞道耳矣 reach only my ears

23.08: 敬中以彼 reach

23.16: 道之塞 penetrate; reach through

25.01: 其窮也 . . .其也 Opposites: 窮≠,

25.02: 聖人綢繆,周盡一體矣

25.04: 「知心於無窮,而反在之國,若存若亡乎?」「之中有魏

26.03: 其於大亦遠矣

32.11: 有懁而 Opposites:

32.13: 生之情者傀,於知者肖;者隨,者遭

25.04, 32.13. see 2.06

means to reach, get through or to the end. Penetrate sounds too sexual. Comprehend means to surround but has the same sense of achievement, which "understand" lacks.