Plaster Monkey

Consistently with my policy of translating allegorical names allegorically, change two occurrences of “plasterer Ying” to “Plaster Monkey.” Ying refers to a region in Chu where, according to which commentators you follow, either the people did a lot of plastering and got covered with white powder in the process, or they painted their bodies white decoratively like Marlon Brando’s minions in Apocalypse Now. I would have named him the equivalent of “Plasterer Body Paint” if there were a better term for it, but there appears not to be. By chance (or not), “Ying” is also the name of a kind of monkey. Hence “Plaster Monkey” for a plasterer, on the model of “grease monkey” for a mechanic.


郢,楚都也。漢書揚雄傳作● (

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,读náo,是汉字,古同“獶”。 › item › 獿 › dictionary › char=獿
Found it!The variant 獿, Cihai, lists as a type of monkey v. 3 p. 2018.