Peng Meng is referred to in two passages of a text called the Yin Wenzi of uncertain date.
Tian Pian said, "Knights of the world all live in their halls, serve (or make servants of?) their wives and children. The reason they sojourn serving in halls of the feudal lords is that they are drawn by profit. They sojourn in the halls of the feudal lords because they are all intent on becoming high ministers. They don't [question?] the feudal lords because they are limited by fame."
Peng Meng said, "People hunt pheasants and rabbits in the wild, and the division isn't settled [?] Chickens and hogs fill the market, and the reason nobody gets any ideas is because the division is settled for certain."
[I think the idea is ownership isn't settled.]
Master Tian was studying and said, "Yao's time was very peaceful." Songzi said, "Is the sage's government really that good?"