Is there a way




Versions of the question 有道邪 yǒu dào xié or 有道乎 yǒu dào hū, "Is there a way to do that?" which occurs in 11:02, 11:06, and 11:09, tell us something about the meaning of the word 道dào. Its basic meaning is a literal rode or pathway but here it clearly means a way to do something. The gist of it seems to be, when someone for instance survives a dangerous waterfall, to ask, "Was that just luck? Or is there a way to do it?" In other contexts, the phrase 有道 yǒu dào, "have the way," is used to describe wise people or a well-governed world. It as hard in English not to differentiate having a from having the way, though there is no such distinction in Chinese. 

Compare the question 可學, "can it be studied," in 11:04.