Jizi Xuyu
箕子胥餘 Jīzĭ Xūyú could be one person or two. There was a Jizi who died along with Bigan for remonstrating with tyrant Zhou. Some also identify him with Zixu, who died resisting King Fuchai of Wu in the saga of Wu and Yue.
Cheng Xuanying says in CT 6.111, 箕子,殷紂賢臣,諫紂不從,遂遭奴戮。胥餘者,箕子名也。又解:是楚大夫伍奢之子,名員,字子胥,吳王夫差之臣,忠諫不從,抉眼而死,屍沈於江 "Jizi was a worthy official in the time of evil King Zhou of the Yin. He remonstrated but Zhou didn't listen so he was skinned. Xuyu was Jizi's personal name. Others say he was an official of Chu, Wu She's son. named Yuan and nicknamed Zixu, an official of King Fuchai of Wu. He remonstrated loyally but the king didn't listen and plucked out his eyes and threw him in the Yangtze river.
WHat comes from wihtout 1: What comes from without cannot be determined beforehand. So it was that Long-feng was killed; Bi-gan immolated; and the count of Ji (Jizi) (made to feign himself) mad, (while) Wu-lai died, and Jie and Zhou both perished.