
shèng is normally translated "sage," which is fine except that it is not a live word in our language. Nobody wonders about what it means to be a sage. So I am going to try "wise," since people do wonder about what it means to be wise or the difference, if any, between wisdom and knowledge. Shèn is frequently used as an adjective, as in the phrase 聖人 shèng rén, "sagely people."

For reference, here are the uses in the first five chapters.

1.03 聖人無名: sages have no name, fame, reputation

2.05 聖人不由,而照之于: sages don't follow [distinctions between this and that] but light things by sky.

2.06 是以聖人和之以是非,而休乎鈞,是之謂兩行. Sages harmonize them with yes and no but rest them on nature's wheel. These are walking two ways.

2.07 滑疑之耀,聖人之所圖也 Sage steers by the torch of slippery doubt.

2.10 聖人存而不論;論而不議議而不。聖人懷之 Sage divides but doesn't; embraces. Ideal

2.12 聖人不從事於務,愚芚 the sage does not make it his business to attend to affairs.  is stupid and simple

4.01 聖人之所不能勝也,而況若乎 Yao attacked Zong, Guai, and  Xu-ao and Yu attacked Youhu. Both sought name and substance; If even sages can't resist name or substance, how can you?

4.08 下有道,聖人焉;下無道,聖人生焉

5.01 仲尼曰:「夫子,聖人也。丘也,直後而未往耳。Confucius says Royal Nag is a sage.

5.05 聖人有所,而知為孽,約為膠,為接,工為商。聖人不謀,惡用知? where sages wander, knowledge is a curse, restrictions are paste, favors are a patch, and effort is for trade. Sages do not plan, so why do they need knowledge?

[this list only goes through chapter 5]

Do sages love people?

Yes; 25.02
