





Zhuang Zhou was wandering by the edge of the Diaoling preserve when he saw a strange magpie flying up from the south. Her wings were seven feet across and her eyes were an inch around. She bumped into his forehead and then crashed in a chestnut grove. He said, “What kind of bird is this, with such magnificent wings that don’t get it anywhere and such big eyes that can’t see?”

Hitching up his robes and tiptoeing forward, he gave chase, bow in hand. He saw a cicada forgetting itself in a pretty bit of shade. A praying mantis took advantage of the cover to grab for it, forgetting its own body at the sight of gain. The strange magpie was right behind, eyeing the prize and forgetting its truth. 

Zhuang Zhou shuddered. “Yikes! Things certainly entangle one another, each one dragging in the next!” He threw down his bow and ran back the way he came, with the warden in tow, cursing at him.

Zhuang Zhou went home and didn’t come out for three days. His attendant, Strawgonna, asked, “Sir, why haven’t you left the house recently?”

Zhuang Zhou said, “I was guarding my body but forgot my self. I looked at muddy water and mistook it for clear depths. I’ve heard my teacher say, ‘Out in the world, follow its rules.’ Now I was wandering by Diaoling and forgot myself. A strange magpie bumped my forehead, wandered into the chestnut grove, and forgot its truth. And the grove warden took me for a poacher! That’s why I haven’t been out.” [1]

[1] This is an interesting story! Graham suggests it might represent a conversion experience (117). It is not surprising to think, given his commitment to change and transformation, that Zhuangzi himself should have gone through different phases in his life. But it raises the question, should we interpret different stories as coming from different periods? Where did he start and where did he end? Is the butterfly dream (2:12) a different epiphany, or a different version of the same one? Do we have to start talking about "Early Zz" and "Late Zz," "The Blue Period" and "after he went electric"?

There are a lot of potential leads to follow. The strange magpie my be an image of Breeze in 1:01. I have trouble in that story interpreting his attitude to Breeze and big knowledge both, whether he idealizes them or is ambivalent. Could this story explain the shift from the former to the latter?

Or we could look at Zhuangzi's own words: "Things certainly entangle one another." "I looked at muddy water and mistook it for clear depths." "Out in the world, follow its rules." "Forgetting yourself" seems to have different meanings in different contexts. Sometimes it appears to be a good thing, forgetting your preconceptions about yourself so you can becoming something new, like Li Ji in 2.11. Here it seems to mean something bad, forgetting that others my see you differently than you do, like when the warden takes him for a poacher (though that was in fact what he was).

[a] CTP 20.08, HYZY 20/61-70.