



jiān wú jiàn kuáng jiē yú 。 kuáng jiē yú yuē :「 rì zhōng shǐ hé yǐ yǔ nǚ ?」
jiān wú yuē :「 gào wǒ : jūn rén zhě , yǐ jǐ chū jīng shì yì dù , rén shú gǎn bù tīng ér huà zhū !」
kuáng jiē yú yuē :「 shì qī dé yě 。 qí yú zhì tiān xià yě , yóu shè hǎi záo hé , ér shǐ yū fù shān yě 。 fū shèng rén zhī zhì yě , zhì wài hū ? zhèng ér hòu xíng , què hū néng qí shì zhě ér yǐ yǐ 。 qiě niǎo gāo fēi yǐ bì 矰 yì zhī hài , xī shǔ shēn xué hū shén qiū zhī xià , yǐ bì xūn záo zhī huàn , ér zēng èr chóng zhī wú zhī !」

Bootstrap met with crazy Jie Yu. Crazy Jie Yu said, "What did Getting-up-at-noon tell you?

Bootstrap said, "He said, 'If a ruler creates his own classics, plans, rights, and measures, no one will dare not to listen and be transformed."

Crazy Jie Yu said, "Those are fake powers! Trying to order the world that way is like wading the ocean, chiseling a river, or making a mosquito shoulder a mountain. When wise people govern, do they govern on the the outside? They are straight and then they advance, certain they can do the job is all. Birds fly high to avoid the danger of shot arrows. Mouse rats tunnel deep under sacred hills to avoid the worry of being smoked or dug out. Do you lack the knowledge of these two vermin?" [1]

[1] The "two vermin" are weirdly reminiscent of 1:01, but it seems coincidental. What's the danger exactly? The first part of the dialogue suggests that trying to govern people's bodies without their minds will not work, but I don't understand the part about the birds and the rats.