Shutface was going to tutor Duke Ling of Wey's heir. He asked Qu Boyu, "This guy here's got the powers of a natural killer! If I go along with his unruliness I will endanger the state, but if I lay down the law I will endanger myself. He is smart enough to see other people's mistakes but not his own. So what do I do?"
Qu Boyu said, "Good question. Consider it carefully. Compose yourself. Physically, the most important thing is to stay close. Mentally, the most important thing is to get along. But both of these can have problems. You want to stay close without being drawn in, get along without being drawn out. If in your actions you get drawn in, you'll tip over and drown, collapse and fall. If you let your thoughts get drawn out, you'll get a reputation that will haunt you and damn you.
"If he acts like a baby, act like a baby with him. If he hops fences, hop fences with him. If he ignores the landmarks, ignore the landmarks with him. When you poke him, do it where he isn't sore. [1]
Don't you know the praying mantis? It waves its arms furiously at oncoming traffic, not knowing they can't stop it, because it thinks so well of its talents. Consider it carefully! If you mobilize your own talents and offend him, that will be about all for you.
Or don't you know about the tiger trainer? He doesn't dare give them live food for fear of their fury in killing it. He doesn't even give them any whole food for fear of their fury in tearing it apart. By timing when they are hungry and full, he sounds the fury in their minds. Tigers are different creatures from people but they will fawn on the one who raised them if he accords with them. The one they kill will be the one who resists.
A horse lover may collect their shit in a basket and and their piss in a shell. But if a horsefly hovers near and he slaps at the wrong time, they will break the bit, smash his head, and trample his chest. It was a nice thought but his affection misled him. Can you afford not to be careful? [2]