






Gongsun Long said to Prince Mou of Wei, "As a young man I studied the ways of former kings. As an adult, I elucidated the conduct of kindness and morality, joined the same and different, separated the hard and what, so-ed the not-so, and could-ed the can't. I baffled the wisdom of the hundred schools and wore out the disputations of the mob of mouths. I thought I had it all. But now that I've heard the words of Zhuangzi, I'm dumbfounded, they're so different. I don't know whether I can't keep up with his rhetoric or my knowledge isn't up to the task. I can't open my beak. What's happening?"

Young prince Mou leaned on his armrest, heaved a deep sigh, looked up and smiled. "Haven't you heard about the frog in the collapsed well? He said to the turtle of the eastern sea, 'Aren’t I happy! I come out and spring up on the railing, or I go in and rest in the hollow of a missing brick. When I float in the water, it hugs me under the arms and supports my chin. When I stomp in the mud, my feet sink in until it covers my ankles. Look around at the larvae and shrimp and polliwogs. None of them can match me! To control the water of a whole gully and straddle the happiness of a whole collapsed well—this is really getting somewhere! Why don’t you come in some time and see?'

Before the turtle of the eastern sea could get his left foot in, his right knee was already stuck. He teetered and fell back, and then began to tell of the sea. 'A thousand miles  wouldn’t  measure its breadth. A thousand fathoms wouldn’t plumb its depths. In Yu’s time there were floods nine years out of ten but its waters never rose. In Tang’s time there were droughts seven years inout of eight but its shores never receded. Not to change or shift for an instant or ever, not to advance or retreat a little or a lot—that’s the happiness of the eastern sea.'

When the frog in the caved in well heard this, he spluttered in surprise and round-roundly lost himself. Without knowing the boundaries of right and wrong, you still to want to gaze on Zhuangzi's words—this is like asking a mosquito to carry a mountain or a caterpillar to charge across a river. They can't possibly do it. 

Now if you lack the sense to sort out the most mysterious words but can only serve yourself a moment's profit, aren't you the frog in the collapsed well? That Zhuangzi, he's wading through the Yellow Springs and ascending to the great sky. No north, no south, majestically dissolving all four directions, sinking into the unplumbed. No east, no west, he starts in dark mystery and returns to the great pass. And now you come round-roundly, seeing if you can get a peek at him, throw a rope around him with your words. This is really like looking at the sky through a tube or using a needle to poke the earth. Isn't it too small? Get out of here! Haven't you heard about that poor bastard from Shouling who studied walking in Handan? Before he learned the local stroll, he’d lost his native strut and had to shuffle home on his hands and knees. If you don't quit, you'll forget what you used to know and lose your job."

Gongsun Long's jaw dropped and wouldn't lift. His tongue stuck and wouldn't budge. So he turned and ran. [1]

[1] Is the point to criticize Gongsun Long for being the way he is, or for trying to be different? As with Huizi, Zhuangzi's objection to GongsunLong seems to have less to do with his objectives than with his methods. The goal here of 'so-ing the not-so, and can-ing the can't' is reminiscent of 'righting their wrongs and wronging their rights' in 2:04. But, like Huizi, Gongsun Long is trying to do it through argument rather than destroying or transcending the limitations of language.

[a] CTP 17.10, HYZY 17/65-81.