


The master asked Lao Dan, "Some people maintain the way by putting each other in their place, 'can'ning the can't and 'so'ing not. The debaters have a saying: 'They separate hard from white as though hanging them in space.' Would you call such people wise?"

Lao Dan said, "Such a person is helter-skelter and a leashed beast, taxing his body and worrying his mind. The leashed, sitting dog has a lot to think about and the monkey's nimbleness drags it down from the mountain forests. Confucius, let me tell you something--something that cannot be heard and cannot be said. Of those with heads and feet, many have no minds or ears. For the bodied to coexist with no body and no form—no way! People's starting, stopping, dying, living, falling, rising are not what makes them so. What can be maintained is artificial. Forgetting things and forgetting nature is called forgetting yourself. And people who have forgotten themselves may be said to have entered the natural.